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STAG'S LEAP by Sharon Olds

New Play Sounding Series Free Reading
Monday, November 9 @ 7pm


Director: Nancy Borgenicht
Featuring: Meg Gibson, Tamara Howell, Valerie Kittel, Susan Levin, and Shannon Musgrave
Dramaturg: Kathleen Cahill
Stage Manager: Justin Ivie


In this intimate sequence of poems, which tell the story of Sharon Olds' divorce, the author opens her heart, sharing the feeling of invisibility that comes when we are no longer standing in love's sight; the surprising physical passion that still exists between a couple during parting; and the loss of everything from her husband's smile to the set of his hip. Adapted for a theatrical reading by Nancy Borgenicht, STAG'S LEAP is both an elegantly personal story of divorce and a universal journey through love, sex, sorrow, memory, and new freedom.


SLAC thanks the Jarvis and Constance Doctorow Family Foundation for their generous support of this vital program.


*First published in Stag's Leap (Alfred A Knopf) copyright Sharon Olds 2012
